We are your external finance department

Convido is a modern full-service agency within bookkeeping, accounting and business consulting. We are physically located in Vaasa/Mustasaari and Maalahti, but thanks to our digital way of working, we serve companies all over Finland.

The company

Convido was founded in 2013 and is currently owned by Joel Granholm, Mikael Finnäs and Kjell Ahläng. Our team consists of accountants with many years of experience in bookkeeping, accounting and business consulting.

In order to provide our customers the best possible service, we personalize the service for each company. With our wide range of skills and experience in different areas, as well as insights into different companies and industries, we can help our client companies to develop, grow and become more profitable.

In all customer collaborations, our focus is on creating the best possible conditions for the customer’s business, in order to develop in the most expansive way. One of the most important ingredients in development work is commitment. This is something we are actively aiming to spread among our customers. In addition to commitment, we contribute with competence and we have employees who can solve financial, corporate law and management issues.

Our goal in every partnership is:

  • to help the client succeed in achieving their goals and visions
  • prepare accounts that enable the client to make the right decisions and be in full control of their business
  • support the financial analyses with advice also in the areas of company law and management issues, and business development.

Changing accounting firm is easy

Do you need to change your accountant? Let us help you. Changing your accounting firm can be done at any time of the year and believe us, it’s easier than you think.